Together for the Common Good
Together for the Common Good Podcast
LINCOLN LECTURE SERIES EP#06: JUST WORKING? Catholic Social Thought and the Dignity of Work. With Maurice Glasman

LINCOLN LECTURE SERIES EP#06: JUST WORKING? Catholic Social Thought and the Dignity of Work. With Maurice Glasman

Maurice Glasman addresses the nature of work and how it has changed, how corporations have gained power while workers have lost out. He explores how the framework of Catholic social thought can guide us towards a more just and stable settlement.

Lord Glasman is an English political theorist, Labour life peer and Professor of Politics at St Mary’s University. He is author of Blue Labour: the Politics of the Common Good. He is also director of The Common Good Foundation.

This lecture was given on 11 July 2023 as part a series of nine lectures featuring speakers from different traditions who draw on Catholic Social Thought to explore how the Christian tradition can be a blessing on public life and discourse. Introduced and curated by Jenny Sinclair, these talks were held in partnership with Lincoln Cathedral and CCLA. NB. Jon Cruddas MP was scheduled to give this lecture, but was detained at the House of Commons. Lord Glasman kindly stepped in and gave this talk off-the-cuff at the last minute. The Jon Cruddas lecture was rescheduled for 14 September 2023 (see below).

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Listen to our sister podcast, Leaving Egypt, where we read the signs of the times and look to local stories of hope in these times of unravelling.

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Together for the Common Good
Together for the Common Good Podcast
A collection of talks exploring the common good as a catalyst to spiritual and civic renewal. In this time of upheaval, we address the big questions of our day - what it means to be human, justice, power, statecraft, economy, work, nature, social peace, technology, civic life - and much more. Speakers draw on the tradition of Catholic Social Thought to show in practical ways how common good thinking opens up pathways to hope.
Soundtrack: Stuart Sinclair